64 items
Mundus subterraneus : in XII libros digestus
- quo divinum subterrestris mundi opificium, mira ergasteriorum naturae in eo distributio, verbo pantamorphon protei regnum, universae denique naturae majestas et divitiae summa rerum varietate exponuntur.
- 1665
A first edition work, with two volumes bound in one folio, by Athanasius Kircher (1602–1680), a German Jesuit scholar who published many extensive works on scientific, religious, and other subjects. Dubbed the “Master…
- Author Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680
- Publisher Janssonium, Joannem
- Contributor Elizeum, Weyerstraten
- Subject Alchemy, Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680, Natural history, Mines and mineral resources, Scientific apparatus and instruments, Hydrography, Earth sciences, Geochemistry, Volcanoes, Earth (Planet)
An Alchemist's Workshop with Children Playing
- 1670 – 1702
The alchemist's wife looks on in dismay as the alchemist himself makes a demonstration before the furnace. Behind the couple, an assistant stokes the flames with a large bellows. At left, the alchemist's children play…
6 items
Isaac Newton's copy of the Preparation of the [Sophick] Mercury for the [Philosophers'] Stone
- Praeparatio Mercurii ad Lapidem per Regulu/am ♂ [Martis] ✱tum [Stellatum] et Lunam, ex MSS. Phi Americani
- After 1670 – before 1678
The manuscript—"On the Preparation of the [Sophick] Mercury for the [Philosophers'] stone by means of the stellate regulus of Mars [i.e. iron] and Luna [i.e. silver] from the Manuscripts of the American Philosopher"—was…
- Author Starkey, George, 1627-1665
- Creator Of Work Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727
- Subject Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727, Starkey, George, 1627-1665, Alchemy, Alchemy--Early works to 1800
A Table of Chymicall & Philosophicall Charecters with their Significations as they are Usually Found in Chymicall Authors both Printed & Manuscript
- A Table of Chemical & Philosophical Characters with their Significations as they are Usually Found in Chemical Authors both Printed and Manuscript
- 1671
Table of alchemical symbols from The last will and testament of Basil Valentine, monke of the Order of St. Bennet. These and other symbols are common throughout alchemical literature and were used to denote some…
- Author Basilius Valentinus
- Subject Chemistry--Nomenclature, Alchemy, Chemistry--Abbreviations
II. Clavis
- Second Key from The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine (Basilius Valentinus)
- 1678
- Author Basilius Valentinus
- Publisher Apud Hermannum a Sande
- Subject Basilius Valentinus, Alchemy
III. Clavis
- Third Key from The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine (Basilius Valentinus)
- 1678
- Author Basilius Valentinus
- Publisher Apud Hermannum a Sande
- Subject Basilius Valentinus, Alchemy
IV. Clavis
- Fourth Key from The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine (Basilius Valentinus)
- 1678
- Author Basilius Valentinus
- Publisher Apud Hermannum a Sande
- Subject Basilius Valentinus, Alchemy
IX. Clavis
- Ninth Key from The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine (Basilius Valentinus)
- 1678
- Author Basilius Valentinus
- Publisher Apud Hermannum a Sande
- Subject Basilius Valentinus, Alchemy
70 items
Musaeum Hermeticum Reformatum et Amplificatum
- 1678
Bound volume contains a compilation of earlier famous alchemical texts. Select title pages and plates are digitized including the plates illustrating The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine (Basilius Valentinus). Also…
- Author Philaletha, Basilius Valentinus, Norton, Thomas, Cremer, John, Flamel, N., Maier, Michael, 1568?-1622, Sendivogius, M., Lambspring, de Meung, Jean, Helvetius
- Engraver Merian, M.
- Publisher Apud Hermannum a Sande
- Subject Apud Hermannum a Sande, Basilius Valentinus, Norton, Thomas, Cremer, John, Flamel, N., Maier, Michael, 1568?-1622, Sendivogius, M., Lambspring, de Meung, Jean, Helvetius, Merian, M., Philaletha, Alchemy
Prima Clavis
- First Key from The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine (Basilius Valentinus)
- 1678
- Author Basilius Valentinus
- Publisher Apud Hermannum a Sande
- Subject Basilius Valentinus, Alchemy
VI. Clavis
- Sixth Key from The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine (Basilius Valentinus)
- 1678
- Author Basilius Valentinus
- Publisher Apud Hermannum a Sande
- Subject Basilius Valentinus, Alchemy
VII. Clavis
- Seventh Key from The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine (Basilius Valentinus)
- 1678
Bound volume contains a collection of alchemical texts. Select title pages and plates are digitized including the plates illustrating The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine (Basilius Valentinus).
- Author Basilius Valentinus
- Publisher Apud Hermannum a Sande
- Subject Basilius Valentinus, Alchemy
VIII. Clavis
- Eighth Key from The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine (Basilius Valentinus)
- 1678
- Author Basilius Valentinus
- Publisher Apud Hermannum a Sande
- Subject Basilius Valentinus, Alchemy
X. Clavis
- Tenth Key from The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine (Basilius Valentinus)
- 1678
- Author Basilius Valentinus
- Publisher Apud Hermannum a Sande
- Subject Basilius Valentinus, Alchemy
XI. Clavis
- Eleventh Key from The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine (Basilius Valentinus)
- 1678
- Author Basilius Valentinus
- Publisher Apud Hermannum a Sande
- Subject Basilius Valentinus, Alchemy
XII. Clavis
- Twelfth Key from The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine (Basilius Valentinus)
- 1678
- Author Basilius Valentinus
- Publisher Apud Hermannum a Sande
- Subject Basilius Valentinus, Alchemy
The Alchemist's Experiment Takes Fire
- 1687
The alchemist's experiment has erupted in a sudden fire, with glass shattering in midair and smoke billowing upward. The alchemist is seated awkwardly in his chair with a startled expression on his face, having turned…
- Artist Heerschop, Hendrik
- Subject Alchemists, Alchemy, Alchemy in art, Heerschop, Hendrik, Families in art
2 items
Roth Mallor's Work
- Alchemical Manuscript by Isaac Newton
- Circa 1692
Written in Isaac Newton's hand, Roth Mallor’s Work consists of extracts from the work of Erasmus Rothmaler, a German alchemist about whom essentially nothing is known. Text found on verso is two unrelated chemical…
A Visit to the Doctor
- 1700s
In the center of a large room, a surgeon in a red cap and apron kneels to apply a leech to the foot of his bearded patient. Scenes of bloodletting and leechcraft are common in such images of doctors' surgeries. The…
- Manner Of Teniers, David, 1610-1690
- Subject Alchemy, Alchemy in art, Alchemists, Leeches, Teniers, David, 1610-1690
An Alchemist at Work
- 1700s
Seated in a disorderly and rustic workshop, an alchemist examines a flask while scratching his head, deep in thought. Scattered about the floor are books, vessels, and a dog which has curled up in a pile of straw. More…
- Artist van Helmont, Mattheus
- Subject Alchemists, Alchemy, Alchemy in art, van Helmont, Mattheus
An Alchemist's Laboratory
- 1700s
A bearded alchemist sits in the midst of a bustling workshop, tending a small brazier of coals with a hand-bellows. Objects for metalworking- including an anvil, crucible, furnace and hammer- are joined by vessels for…
Argenti excoctio
- Schmelts-und Lauferung des Silbers
- Circa 1700 – 1781
Men feed wood into furnaces and stoke flames in this spacious laboratory, populated with large masonry furnaces for the smelting and working of metals. This scene also contains a list of alchemical elements in Latin.…
- Engraver Lichtensteger, Georg, 1700-1781
- Subject Metals--Hot working, Alchemy, Silverwork, Smelting
Le Philosophe en Contemplation (The Philosopher in Contemplation)
- 1700s
This etching, by the Italian engraver and etcher Giuseppe [Joseph] Longhi, reproduces a work by the Dutch master of chiaroscuro, Rembrandt van Rijn. The original painting traveled to France in the 18th century and…
- After Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, 1606-1669
- Creator Of Work Longhi, Giuseppe, 1766-1831
- Subject Alchemists, Alchemy, Alchemy in art, Philosophers
The Alchemist
- 1700s
A bearded, seated alchemist, wearing glasses and bright red shirt, bends over an open book on a desk stacked high with a mess of papers and glassware. The trail of books continues to the ground with broken and unbroken…
- Artist van Helmont, Mattheus
- Subject Alchemists, Alchemy, Alchemy in art, van Helmont, Mattheus