Max Bredig's vaccination card, 1915
- 1915-Apr-21

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Small JPG1200 x 949px — 178 KBLarge JPG2880 x 2278px — 1.3 MBFull-sized JPG5453 x 4314px — 4.4 MBOriginal fileTIFF — 5453 x 4314px — 67.4 MBMax Albert Bredig's (1902-1977) vaccination certificate from 1915, which is signed by the the district physician for the Grand Duchy of Baden-Württemberg. The certificate indicates that he was successfully revaccinated according to legal obligations.
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“Max Bredig's Vaccination Card, 1915,” April 21, 1915. Papers of Max Bredig, Box 5, Folder 37. Science History Institute. Philadelphia.
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Formular I zu § 4 der Beordnung
Impfschein (Wiederimpfung)
Impfbezirk Karlsruhe
Impfliste Nr. 69
Gemeinde Karlsruhe
Max Albert Bredig, geboren den 20. Juni 1902, wurde am 21. April 1915 zum ersten Male mit Erfolg wieder geimpft.
Durch die Impfung ist der gesetzlichen Pflicht genügt.
Karlsruhe, den 28. April 1915
Großh. Bezirksarzt.
Form I to § 4 of the Regulation
Vaccination Certificate (Revaccination)
Karlsruhe Vaccination District
Vaccination List No. 69
Municipality of Karlsruhe
Max Albert Bredig, born on June 20, 1902, was successfully revaccinated for the first time on April 21, 1915.
This vaccination satisfies the legal obligation.
Karlsruhe, April 28, 1915
District Physician for the Grand Duchy of Baden-Württemberg