Letter from Hans Bunte to Georg Bredig, January 1900
- 1900-Jan-14

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Small JPG1200 x 995px — 213 KBFull-sized JPG2838 x 2352px — 946 KBOriginal fileTIFF — 2838 x 2352px — 19.2 MBHans Bunte (1848-1925), a German chemist and professor at the Technical University of Karlsruhe, thanks Georg Bredig (1868-1944) for sending his habilitation thesis "Anorganische Fermente" (Inorganic Ferments), and praises his work. In many Germanophone countries, a habilitation is a post-doctoral degree intended to demonstrate a scholar's capacity for research in his or her field and is usually required to attain the rank of professor.
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Bunte, Hans. “Letter from Hans Bunte to Georg Bredig, January 1900,” January 14, 1900. Papers of Georg and Max Bredig, Box 1, Folder 25. Science History Institute. Philadelphia. https://digital.sciencehistory.org/works/ho5x9gl.
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KARLSRUHE I/B., 14 / I 1900
Nowackanlage 13
Sehr geehrter Herr College!
Für die freundliche Zusendung Ihrer Abhandlung über anorganische Fermente, besonders über Platinkatalyse, sage ich Ihnen verbindlichsten Dank. Ich habe in der Abhandlung so viele interessante Punkte bei flüchtiger Durchsicht gefunden, daß ich mich freue dieselben demnächst ausführlich u. eingehend studieren zu können. Hoffentlich gelingt es Ihnen den Grund zu haben,
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der die mannigfaltigen rätselhaften Erscheinungen auf diesem Gebiet noch bedeutet u. ich sehe der Fortsetzung Ihrer Studien mit lebhaftem Interesse entgegen.
Mit hochachtungsvoller Begrüßung
Ihr ergebener
H. Bunte.
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KARLSRUHE IN BADEN, January 14, 1900
Nowackanlage 13
Dear Colleague,
Thank you very much for kindly sending me your treatise on inorganic ferments, especially platinum catalysis. After briefly reading through the treatise, I discovered many interesting points that I look forward to studying more thoroughly in the near future. Hopefully you will succeed in finding the reason
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for the various mysterious phenomena in this subject area. I look forward to your further studies with keen interest.
Kind regards.
Yours sincerely,
H. Bunte