A Spanish manual on the theory and practice of dyeing in the textile industry in late eighteenth-century Madrid. The text discusses the treatment of silks, wools, and yarns; the preparation of the textiles; and the steps in the progression of dying, including instructions for the methods and natural pigments required to achieve a desired color.
The work includes thirteen full-page copperplate engravings that demonstrate the operations used at the Madrid Royal Factory for dying fabrics, with workers engaged in the specifics of dying, and the dyehouse equipment needed to execute the coloring process. The final folding copperplate depicts the layout of the factory floor with all the steps being performed.
Don Luis Fernández, born in Toledo and a resident of València, became a master dyer (Maestro Tintorero) in Madrid and was appointed Director of La Real Fabrica (the Royal Factory).
Digitized content is limited to the work's title page, plates, and pages 237-250 which contain plate descriptions.
Fernández, Don Luis. Tratado Instructivo, y Práctico Sobre El Arte De La Tintura. Madrid, Spain: Imprenta de Blas Roman, 1778. https://digital.sciencehistory.org/works/k4424ph.
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