Postcard from Jacobus H. van 't Hoff to Georg Bredig, June 1896
- 1896-Jun-22

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Small JPG1200 x 798px — 154 KBLarge JPG2880 x 1916px — 822 KBFull-sized JPG3549 x 2361px — 1.2 MBOriginal fileTIFF — 3549 x 2361px — 24.0 MBJacobus Henricus van’t Hoff (1852-1911) asks Georg Bredig (1868-1944) to order laboratory equipment.
Van't Hoff is considered to be one of the founding fathers of physical chemistry. In 1901 van’t Hoff received the first Nobel prize in Chemistry “in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions.” Around 1894, Georg Bredig completed a portion of his post-doctoral work in van’t Hoff’s laboratory in Amsterdam.
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Hoff, J. H. van 't (Jacobus Henricus). “Postcard from Jacobus H. Van 't Hoff to Georg Bredig, June 1896,” June 22, 1896. Papers of Georg and Max Bredig, Box 2, Folder 1. Science History Institute. Philadelphia.
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Image 1
Deutsche Reichspost Postkarte [stamps]
An Herrn Dr. G. Bredig
in Leipzig
Wohnung Brüderstraße 34
Image 2
Geehrter Herr Doktor! Wollen Sie für mich Widerstandsgefäß, Meßbrücke, Telephon, Induktions-Apparat und Rheostaten bei Goetze bestellen? Falls Sie die Kalibrierung der Meßbrücke übernehmen wollen, wäre ich äußerst dankbar. Herzlichst
J. van’t Hoff.
Ich übersende gleichzeitig eine Abhandlung von Herrn Richter f. d. Jahresheft.
Image 1
German Imperial Postal Service Postcard [stamps]
To: Dr. G. Bredig
Residence: Brüderstraße 34
Image 2
Dear Doctor,
Do you want to order a resistance vessel, measuring bridge, telephone, induction apparatus, and rheostat for me from Goetze? If you would like to take over the calibration of the measuring bridge, I would be extremely grateful.
J. van’t Hoff
I am concurrently sending you a paper by Mr. Richter for the annual bulletin.