Select digitized items from the exhibition, The Alchemical Quest, on view in our Hach gallery from July 2 to December 31, 2012.
422 items
Conversations on Chemistry : in which the elements of that science are familiarly explained and illustrated by experiments and plates
- To which are added, some late discoveries on the subject of the fixed alkalies by H. Davy, Esq., of the Royal Society
- 1809
Conversations on Chemistry is an introductory chemical textbook. To this third American edition (the first and second: Philadelphia, 1806, and 1809), the anonymous editor has added new material on mineral waters and the…
10 items
Elementa Chemiae : Quae Anniversario Labore Docuit, in Publicis, Privatisque Scholis, Volume 2
- The Elements of Chemistry : Which is Taught in Public and Private Schools
- 1732
Herman Boerhaave (1668-1738) was a Dutch botanist, chemist, and physician. Boerhaave introduced a quantitative approach to medical training and was the first to integrate chemistry into the medical curriculum; he is…
275 items
Geberis Philosophi Perspicacissimi Summa Perfectionis Magisterii in sua Natura ex Bibliothecae Vaticanae Exemplari Undecunque
- 1542
Work from the "pseudo-Geber" corpus, a group of writings falsely attributed to the Arabic alchemist, Abū Mūsā Jābir ibn Ḥayyān (died c. 806–816, Latinized as “Geber"). These writings are actually from 13th or…
89 items
Elementa Chemiae : Quae Anniversario Labore Docuit, in Publicis, Privatisque Scholis, Volume 1
- The Elements of Chemistry : Which is Taught in Public and Private Schools
- 1732
Herman Boerhaave (1668-1738) was a Dutch botanist, chemist, and physician. Boerhaave introduced a quantitative approach to medical training and was the first to integrate chemistry into the medical curriculum; he is…
142 items
Liber de arte Distillandi de Compositis
- Book on the Art of Distilling Compounds
- 1512
Hieronymous Brunschwig (c. 1453 – c. 1513) was a surgeon in the Imperial Free City of Strasbourg who published on subjects including medicine, the plague, and surgery, though his most important works were those…
323 items
Pandora, das ist, Die edleste Gab Gottes
- Pandora, That Is, the Noblest Gift of God
- 1582
First edition. This copy lacks parts of pages 2 and 7 as well as pages 183-184 and 255-256. The missing text on pages 2 and 7 was replaced in handwritten pencil at an unknown date. The work was edited by the physician…
- Author Epimetheus, Franciscus
- Editor Reusner, Hieronymus, b. 1558
- Printer Apiarius, Samuel, -1590
- Subject Alchemy, Medicine, Reusner, Hieronymus, b. 1558, Mythology, Greek, Symbolism in art
118 items
Coelum Philosophorum, seu De Secretis Naturae
- Philosopher’s Heaven or the Secrets of Nature
- 1525
An early work on the preparation of aqua vitae or the “water of life” (alcohol), by the process of distillation. This treatise describes the distillation process and necessary instrumentation in detail. Aqua vitae was…
- Author Ulstadius, Philippus
- Contributor Albertus, Magnus, Saint, 1193?-1280, Arnaldus, de Villanova, -1311, Llull, Ramon, 1232?-1316, Johannes, de Rupescissa, approximately 1300-approximately 1365., Grüninger, Johann, -1532?
- Subject Alchemy, Distillation, Distillation apparatus, Gold--Therapeutic use, Medicine, Alcohol, Alcohol--Synthesis
9 items
A Translation of the Table of Chemical Nomenclature, Proposed by De Guyton, formerly De Morveau, Lavoisier, Berthollet, and De Fourcroy
- With Explanations, Additions, and Alterations : to Which are Subjoined, Tables of Single Elective Attraction, Tables of Chemical Symbols, Tables of the Precise Forces of Chemical Attractions, and Schemes and Explanations of Cases of Single and Double Elective Attractions
- 1799
One of the first English chemists to adopt Antoine Lavoisier’s (1743-1794) new system of chemistry, George Pearson (1751–1828), published a shorter and very incomplete translation of the Nomenclature in 1794. The…
- Publisher Cooper and Wilson
- Author Guyton de Morveau, Louis-Bernard, 1737-1816, Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, 1743-1794, Berthollet, Claude-Louis, 1748-1822, Fourcroy, Antoine-François de, comte, 1755-1809
- Contributor Pearson, George, 1751-1828
- Subject Chemistry--Nomenclature, Guyton de Morveau, Louis-Bernard, 1737-1816, Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, 1743-1794, Berthollet, Claude-Louis, 1748-1822, Fourcroy, Antoine-François de, comte, 1755-1809, Hassenfratz, J. H. (Jean-Henri), 1755-1827, Adet, Pierre-Auguste, 1763-1832, Pearson, George, 1751-1828
24 items
Traité Élémentaire de Chimie
- 1789
This work by Antoine Laurent Lavoisier is widely considered the first of its kind in modern chemical literature. Select digitized content includes front cover, frontismatter, woodcut vignettes, as well as thirteen…