Semipostal stamp from Luxembourg to support the International Relief Fund for Intellectuals
Box 1- 1935
Depicts a scientist in a laboratory setting looking through a microscope.
Postage stamp commemorating German emergency aid
Box 1- 1934
Stamp issued by the "Deutsche Reich" government under Nazi rule depicting images associated with the profession of chemistry.
Soviet postage stamp commemorating the Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, 1958
Box 4- Undated
Stamp printed in USSR shows bomb, globe, model of an atom, Sputniks, and a ship.
Soviet postage stamp commemorating Frédéric Joliot-Curie
Box 2- Undated
Stamp features a portrait of Frédéric Joliot-Curie.
Postcard and French postage stamp commemorating Isaac Newton
Box 1- Undated
Depicts Isaac Newton.
- Artist Lalau, Maurice
- Engraver Munier, Pierre
- Subject Postage stamps, Newton, Isaac, 1642-1727, France, Postcards, Postmarks, Commemorative postage stamps, Science on postage stamps
Postage stamp commemorating German porcelain, German Democratic Republic
Box 6- Undated
Stamp from the series on the Leipzig Spring Trade Fair in 1950. Commemorates first porcelain on the trade fair in 1710.
- Artist Gruner, Erich
- Engraver Wolf, Karl
- Subject Postage stamps, Germany (East), Trade shows, Commemorative postage stamps, Science on postage stamps, Porcelain, German
Panamanian postage stamp commemorating Alfred Nobel and the Nobel Prize
Box 2- Undated
Stamp depicts Nobel Prize medal and a dove with an olive branch in its mouth.
Ghanaian postage stamp commemorating Albert Einstein
Box 2- Undated
UNESCO stamp depicting Albert Einstein and his formula for mass-energy equivalence.
Envelope with postage stamps commemorating 1901 Nobel Prize laureates
Box 2- Undated
Depicts awardees of the 1901 Nobel Prizes: Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen in Physics, Sully Prudhomme in Literature, Emil von Behring in Physiology or Medicine, and Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff in Chemistry.
- Artist Åsberg, Stig, 1909-1968
- Engraver Wallhorn, Arne
- Subject Postage stamps, Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad, 1845-1923, Hoff, J. H. van 't (Jacobus Henricus), 1852-1911, Behring, Emil von, 1854-1917, Postmarks, Commemorative postage stamps, Science on postage stamps, Sully Prudhomme, 1839-1907, Nobel Prize winners, Cachets (Philately), First day covers (Philately)
East German postage stamp commemorating science and socialism
Box 1- Undated
Stamp from the "Builders of Socialism" series, depicting aspects of chemistry and related sciences.
Chadian postage stamp commemorating Alexander Fleming's Nobel Prize in Medicine
Box 3- Undated
Depicts Alexander Fleming, who won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of penicillin.