Graphic representation of the periodic table of chemical elements in the style of a symmetrical series table constructed as a quadrangle. This type of table was originated by Estonian-born German chemist Andreas von Antropoff (1878-1956) in 1926 and classified by chemist Edward G. Mazurs as Subtype IIIC3-6a in his seminal work Types of Graphic Representation of the Periodic System of Chemical Elements (1957). This illustration, likely adapted by Mazurs himself, appears to be a modified version of Figure 83 on page 147 of Mazurs' 1957 publication.
Antropoff, Andreas von, and Edward G. Mazurs. “Symmetrical Series Table Constructed as a Quadrangle.” Glass (material), circa 1926–1957. Edward G. Mazurs Collection of Periodic Systems Images, Box 1. Science History Institute. Philadelphia.
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