Postcard from Jacobus H. van 't Hoff to Georg Bredig, 1896
- 1896
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Small JPG1200 x 813px — 164 KBLarge JPG2880 x 1952px — 920 KBFull-sized JPG3516 x 2383px — 1.3 MBOriginal fileTIFF — 3516 x 2383px — 24.0 MBJacobus Henricus van’t Hoff (1852-1911) thanks Georg Bredig (1868-1944) for sending him a calibrating bridge and says he will begin to work with Dr. Keurick.
Van't Hoff is considered to be one of the founding fathers of physical chemistry. In 1901 van’t Hoff received the first Nobel prize in Chemistry “in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions.” Around 1894, Georg Bredig completed a portion of his post-doctoral work in van’t Hoff’s laboratory in Amsterdam.
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Hoff, J. H. van 't (Jacobus Henricus). “Postcard from Jacobus H. Van 't Hoff to Georg Bredig, 1896,” 1896. Papers of Georg and Max Bredig, Box 2, Folder 1. Science History Institute. Philadelphia.
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Image 1
Deutsche Reichspost Postkarte [stamps]
An Herrn Dr. G. Bredig
in Leipzig
Brüderstraße 34
[Bredig’s hand: Charlottenburg / Uhlandstr. 2. / J.H. van’t Hoff]
Image 2
Geehrter Herr Doktor!
Durch meine Reise sind einige Sachen verzögert. So habe ich Ihnen auch meinen besten Dank zu überbringen für die Zusendung und Kalibrierung der Brücke u.s.w. Ich habe jetzt auch Herrn Dr. Keuricks Arbeit gelesen und kann den betreffenden Anfang des nächsten Semesters Gelegenheit besorgen um bei mir zu arbeiten falls er im Voraus / jetzt / sich mit mir über meinen Plan verständigt.
J. van’t Hoff
Image 1
German Imperial Postal Service [stamps]
To: Dr. G. Bredig
Brüderstraße 34
[Bredig’s hand: Charlottenburg / Uhlandstr. 2. / J.H. van’t Hoff]
Image 2
Dear Doctor,
Due to my trip, some things have been delayed. Thank you for sending and calibrating the bridge, etc. I have now read Dr Keurick's work and if he agrees with my plans in advance/now, I can find the opportunity to work with him at the beginning of the next semester.
J. van't Hoff