100 ft. Roll Wraps 100 Sandwiches Yet Sells at Wax Paper Prices!
- 1960
Color print advertisement for Handi Wrap, an economy plastic wrap specifically marketed for use in lunchboxes and for its ability to keep food fresher for longer periods of time relative to other plastic wraps. The advertisement features a woman with a roll of plastic wrap in front of a pile of wrapped sandwiches. Behind the woman is a man with a lunchbox. The accompanying text notes that "sandwiches stay fresh even when you make them the night before!"
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Rights | Public Domain Mark 1.0 |
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Dow Chemical Company. “100 Ft. Roll Wraps 100 Sandwiches Yet Sells at Wax Paper Prices!,” 1960. Advertisements from the Dow Chemical Historical Collection, Box 8. Science History Institute. Philadelphia. https://digital.sciencehistory.org/works/pfo6a23.
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