Postcard from Jacobus H. van 't Hoff to Georg Bredig, June 1895
- 1895-Jun-19
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Small JPG1200 x 815px — 148 KBLarge JPG2880 x 1955px — 833 KBFull-sized JPG3494 x 2372px — 1.2 MBOriginal fileTIFF — 3494 x 2372px — 23.8 MBJacobus Henricus van’t Hoff (1852-1911) writes to Georg Bredig (1868-1944) to critique and provide suggestions for a calculation made by Bredig.
Van't Hoff is considered to be one of the founding fathers of physical chemistry. In 1901 van’t Hoff received the first Nobel prize in Chemistry “in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions.” Around 1894, Georg Bredig completed a portion of his post-doctoral work in van’t Hoff’s laboratory in Amsterdam.
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Hoff, J. H. van 't (Jacobus Henricus). “Postcard from Jacobus H. Van 't Hoff to Georg Bredig, June 1895,” June 19, 1895. Papers of Georg and Max Bredig, Box 2, Folder 1. Science History Institute. Philadelphia.
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Image 1
Zijde voor het adresse bestemd. (Côté réservé à l'adresse)
Herrn Dr. G. Bredig
Gr. Glogau
Image 2
Prof. Nernst habe ich beantwortet; ich meine der Einfluß ist bei H2 PO4 gering, kaum erkennbar.
Amsterdam, 19. Juni 1895
Geehrter Herr Doktor!
Mit Ihrer Herleitung bin ich voll einverstanden; danach würde es sich empfehlen an die Nachwirkung das Bearbeitungsresultat zu verkürzten, auch wo jetzt die Uebereinstimmung weniger befriedigend ausfällt. Vielleicht läßt sich dazu eine Konstante gebrauchen.
J. van’t Hoff.
betr. Centrifug. Arbeit.
Image 1
This side is reserved for the address.
Dr. G. Bredig
Greater Glogow
Image 2
I answered Professor Nernst. I think the influence of H2 PO4 is minimal and hardly noticeable.
Amsterdam, 19 June 1895
Dear Doctor,
I fully agree with your derivation. Afterwards, it would be advisable to shorten the residual effects of the processing results, even where the conformity is now unsatisfactory. Perhaps a constant can be used for this.
J. van’t Hoff.
Concerning centrifuge work