These oral histories focus on scientists who devote their research lives to better understanding the complexities of particulate matter in the air, air quality, and emissions as each pertains to climate change.
Oral history interview with Peter F. DeCarlo
- 2013-Apr-10 – 2013-Apr-11
Peter DeCarlo grew up in West Lafayette, Indiana, the second of three children. His father is a professor of electrical engineering at Purdue University, and his mother is a kindergarten teacher. Both sisters also have…
Oral history interview with A. R. Ravishankara
- 2013-May-07
- 2013-May-09
A.R. Ravishankara was born in Shimoga, India, and grew up mostly in Mysore and Bangalore, India. His father was a farmer who died when A.R. was ten years old. Ravishankara attended a private school and graduated from…