4 items
Photographs of Kinlochleven, Scotland
Box 4, Folder 39- Undated
Sepia-toned photograph of the Scottish village Kinlochleven. Kinlochleven is the home to a gravity dam and water supply system that powered the aluminum production for the British Aluminium Company.
2 items
Physical chemistry exercises
Box 5, Folder 11- Undated
- Creator Of Work Bredig, Georg, 1868-1944
- Subject Chemistry, Physical and theoretical, Chemistry--Study and teaching, Bredig, Georg, 1868-1944
Porcelain mortar
Box 29- Undated
Porcelain mortar owned by Georg Bredig (1868-1944). Mortar and pestles are used to manually grind or crush a sample into a fine powder.
Portrait of August Friedrich Horstmann
Box 4, Folder 41- Undated
Black and white printed portrait of August Friedrich Horstmann (1842-1929), a German physical chemist who worked in the field of thermodynamics.
- Printer Meisenbach Riffarth & Company
- Publisher Engelmann, Wilhelm, 1808-1878
- Subject Meisenbach Riffarth & Company
Portrait of Carl Wilhelm Scheele
Box 4, Folder 4- Undated
Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1742-1786) was a German-Swedish pharmaceutical chemist whose discoveries include oxygen and chlorine gas.
- Engraver Meisenbach Riffarth & Company
- Publisher Engelmann, Th. W. (Th. Wilhelm), 1843-1909
- Subject Portraits, Scheele, Carl Wilhelm, 1742-1786, Chemists
Portrait of Carl Wilhelm Scheele
Box 4, Folder 4- Undated
Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1742-1786) was a German-Swedish pharmaceutical chemist whose discoveries include oxygen and chlorine gas.
- Subject Scheele, Carl Wilhelm, 1742-1786, Chemists
2 items
Portrait of Ernst Cohen
Box 4, Folder 41- Undated
Portrait of Ernst Cohen (1869-1944), a Dutch scientist and professor, who was known for his research in the allotropy of tin. Cohen worked under Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927), Henri Moissan (1852-1907), and Jacobus van…
Portrait of Ernst Mach
Box 4, Folder 41- Undated
Portrait of Ernst Mach (1838 -1916) an Austrian physicist and philosopher.
- Publisher Engelmann, Wilhelm, 1808-1878
- Printer Meisenbach Riffarth & Company
- Subject Mach, Ernst, 1838-1916, Portraits, Physicists, Meisenbach Riffarth & Company
Portrait of Friedrich Kohlrausch
Box 4, Folder 41- Undated
Black and white portrait of Friedrich Kohlrausch (1840 -1910).
Kohlrausch was a German experimental physicist who researched electrolytes, elasticity, thermal conduction, and magnetic and electrical precision…
Portrait of Friedrich Wöhler
Box 4, Folder 4- Undated
Friedrich Wöhler (1800 -1882) was a German chemist and professor of chemistry at the University of Göttingen. He specialized in inorganic chemistry and was the first scientist to isolate beryllium and yttrium in pure…
- Subject Wöhler, Friedrich, 1800-1882, Chemists
2 items
Portrait of Gustav Heinrich Johann Apollon Tammann
Box 22- Undated
Postcard featuring a photograph of Gustav Heinrich Johann Apollon Tammann (1861-1938). Tammann was a Baltic German physical chemist. He worked in the fields of metallurgy and studied the physical properties of metals…
Portrait of H. Jermain Creighton
Box 21- Undated
Sepia toned photograph of H. Jermain Creighton. The lower right has a note from Creighton to Georg Bredig (1868-1944).
Creighton was the head of the chemistry department at Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania in 1928. He…
Portrait of Hans Heinrich Landolt
Box 4, Folder 41- Undated
Portrait of Hans Heinrich Landolt (1831-1910). Landolt was a Swiss chemist who discovered the iodine clock reaction. He was additionally a co-founder of the Landolt–Börnstein database.
- Artist Jütte, H. F.
- Publisher Engelmann, Wilhelm, 1808-1878
- Subject Chemists, Landolt, H. (Hans), 1831-1910
2 items
Portrait of Hans Luggins
Box 21- Undated
Portrait of Hans Luggins (1863-1899), taken by Anna Edlund in Stockholm, Sweden.
- Photographer Edlund, Anna
- Subject Luggins, Hans, 1863-1899, Chemists
Portrait of Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
Box 4, Folder 41- Undated
Portrait of Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (1853-1902) wearing a suit and a bow tie.
Lorentz was a Dutch physicist. In 1902, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics with Pieter Zeeman (1865-1943) for their discovery of the…
Portrait of Hermann Franz Moritz Kopp
Box 4, Folder 4- Undated
Hermann Franz Moritz Kopp (1817–92) was a German physical chemist and historian of chemistry. Kopp is well-known for his four volume work, Geschichte der Chemie (History of Chemistry), which was published between…
- Subject Kopp, Hermann, 1817-1892, Chemists
Portrait of Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz
Box 4, Folder 41- Undated
Portrait of Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894).
Portrait of Hermann von Helmholtz
Box 4, Folder 4- Undated
Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) was a German mathematician and physician who made significant contributions to the fields of mathematical physics, optics, acoustics, physiology, and psychology. The Helmholtz…
Portrait of Jacob Maarten van Bemmelen
Box 21- Undated
Portrait of Jacob Maarten van Bemmelen (1830-1911), a Dutch chemist who worked in agricultural chemistry.
Portrait of Jeremias Benjamin Richter
Box 4, Folder 4- Undated
Jeremias Benjamin Richter (1762 – 1807) was a German chemist and mining official. He introduced the term stoichiometry, which is the study of the quantifiable relationships between two or more substances undergoing a…
Portrait of Johann Wilhelm Hittorf
Box 4, Folder 41- Undated
Portrait of Johann Wilhelm Hittorf (1824-1914).
Portrait of John Hall Gladstone
Box 4, Folder 4- Undated
John Hall Gladstone (1827-1902) was a British chemist who worked on the bromination of rubber, optics, and
spectroscopy.- Publisher Engelmann, Th. W. (Th. Wilhelm), 1843-1909
- Engraver Meisenbach Riffarth & Company
- Subject Gladstone, J. H. (John Hall), 1827-1902, Chemists
Portrait of Josiah Willard Gibbs
Box 4, Folder 41- Undated
Portrait of Josiah Willard Gibbs (1839-1903). Gibbs, a Yale alumnus, was an American chemist and pioneer in the field of physical chemistry. Gibbs developed statistical mechanics and the concept of Gibbs free energy in…