Plate VIII. Brown staining from mustard gas.
- Part of An Atlas of Gas Poisoning
- 1918
Drawing made on the eighteenth day after exposure to gas.
Plate IX. Ulceration of trachea by mustard gas.
- Part of An Atlas of Gas Poisoning
- 1918
Drawing of a trachea at the twelfth day after gassing.
Plate VII. Burning of scrotum and penis by mustard gas.
- Part of An Atlas of Gas Poisoning
- 1918
Drawing made on eleventh day.
Plate III. Pallid type of asphyxia from phosgene poisoning, with circulatory failure.
- Part of An Atlas of Gas Poisoning
- 1918
Drawing made on second day after gassing.
Plate V. Erythema of skin from general exposure to the vapour of Yellow Cross substance.
- Part of An Atlas of Gas Poisoning
- 1918
Drawing made on fifth day.
Plate I. Microscopic section of human lung from phosgene shell poisoning. Death at the nineteenth hour after gassing.
- Part of An Atlas of Gas Poisoning
- 1918
"The piece of lung shown is almost entirely useless for aeration of the blood."
Plate II. Blue type of asphyxia from phosgene poisoning, with intense venous congestion.
- Part of An Atlas of Gas Poisoning
- 1918
Drawing made early on second day after gassing.
Plate IV. Gangrene of foot caused by vascular thrombosis from chlorine poisoning.
- Part of An Atlas of Gas Poisoning
- 1918
Drawing of foot made on fifth day.
Plate VI. Blistering of buttocks by mustard gas.
- Part of An Atlas of Gas Poisoning
- 1918
Drawing made on eleventh day.
A nurse using a Beckman D-2 Oxygen Meter
- Circa 1959
A nurse uses a Beckman Oxygen Meter to monitor the oxygen flowing through an isolette containing a baby. Monitoring oxygen flow greatly reduced the rate of blindness (retrolental fibroplasia) among premature infants in…
Typical Specifications for a Glucose Analyzer System
- 1960s
These specifications were likely produced during the development of the Glucose Analyzer. They include details about the electronic circuits, the weight and footprint of the finished instrument, and the rate of samples…
Beckman Glucose Analyzer warranty
- 1959
The text of the warranty is apparently a standard statement drafted before the development of the instrument in question.
The Glucose Analyzer was developed by James Sternberg in 1969 and was one of several very…
Beckman is everywhere in the hospital.
- 1974
Advertisement for the many Beckman Instruments products that are used in hospital and health services, including glucose analyzers, liquid scintillation counters, spectrophotometers, and oxygen analyzers (among many…
Portrait of Isaac Ott (1847-1916)
- Circa 1910
Portrait of Isaac Ott (1847-1916). Ott was born in Northampton County, Pennsylvania on November 30, 1847 and graduated from Lafayette College (class of 1867). Ott went onto study medicine at the University of…
Baby's first breath had better be a good one...
- 1960
This advertisement hits all the Beckman Instruments highlights, like oxygen analyzers, air pollution control, and pH meters. These instruments and their related industries and developments will make the lives of…