What She Sees in Plastics
- 1945
Color print advertisement for Styron, the trade name for Styrenic plastics historically manufactured and sold by the Dow Chemical Company for a variety of consumer applications. The advertisement shows an illustration of a young woman applying lipstick, with a close-up of a compact mirror showing the reflection of an eye. The accompanying text describes the in-demand qualities of Styron, including its aesthetic appeal, durability and affordability. Smaller text notes that "war requirements still come first" for production of Styron and other plastics.
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Rights | Public Domain Mark 1.0 |
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Dow Chemical Company. “What She Sees in Plastics,” 1945. Advertisements from the Dow Chemical Historical Collection, Box 9. Science History Institute. Philadelphia. https://digital.sciencehistory.org/works/tc08zxm.
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