2 items
Dynamit-Aktien Gesellschaft Zwanzig Milliarden/Hunderttausend Mark Gutschein
- Dynamit-Aktien Gesellschaft twenty billion/one hundred thousand Mark voucher
- 1923-Oct-23
This Zwanzig Milliarden/Hunderttausend Mark Gutschein, or twenty billion/one hundred thousand Mark voucher, was issued by Dynamit-Aktien Gesellschaft. Zwanzig Milliarden was printed over the original Hunderttausend Mark…
Chemische Werke P. Römer & Co. Fünfzig Milliarden Mark Gutschein
- P. Römer & Company Chemical Works fifty billion Mark voucher
- 1923-Oct-26
This Fünfzig Milliarden Mark Gutschein, or fifty billion Mark voucher, was issued by Chemische Werke P. Römer & Company (Chemical Works P. Römer & Company). Paper features a watermark design.
Chemische Werke P. Römer…
2 items
Badische Anilin- & Soda-Fabrik 1.05 Mark Gold = 1/4 Dollar Gutschein
- Badische Anilin- & Soda-Fabrik 1.05 Goldmark = 1/4 Dollar voucher
- 1923-Nov-03
This 1.05 Goldmark = 1/4 dollar voucher was issued by Badische Anilin- & Soda-Fabrike after the German government created the Rentenmark to replace the old Reichsmark, which had become worthless due to hyperinflation.…
2 items
Der Handelskammer Ludwigshafen A. Rh. 1 Dollar U. S. A. = 4.20 Mark Gold Notgeldschein
- Ludwigshafen Chamber of Commerce 1 Dollar = 4.20 Goldmark emergency money bill
- 1923-Dec-18
This one dollar/4.20 Goldmark emergency money bill was issued by the Ludwigshafen Chamber of Commerce after the German government created the Rentenmark to replace the old Reichsmark, which had become worthless due to…
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Engrais Chimiques des Manufacture de St. Gobain
- Chemical Fertilizers Manufactured by St. Gobain
- Circa 1925
Advertising postcard for St. Gobain, or Compagnie de Saint-Gobain, depicts a man pointing to a map of St. Gobain's chemical fertilizer plants located in France. Text underneath the map states "26 usines" or factories,…
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American Potash & Chemical Corporation five dollar company scrip book cover
- 1937-May-14 (Validated)
- 1937-Jun-01 (Registered)
Company scrip book cover issued by the American Potash & Chemical Corporation in the amount of five dollars. Stamped with validated and registered dates. Verso contains conditions for the sale of the book and where…
- Printer Thomson Ticket Company
- Publisher American Potash & Chemical Corporation
- Subject Currency question, Potash, Chemical industry, Corporations, Bauman, Robert Joel, Borax
2 items
Georgi Dimitrov Chemical Company scrip
- 1949
In the amount of one thousand, this company scrip issued by Georgi Dimitrov Chemical Company is printed to look like a banknote. Verso of scrip has an illustration of the chemical complex, which is bustling with…
- Publisher Georgi Dimitrov Chemical Company
- Subject Currency question, Chemical industry, Corporations, Bauman, Robert Joel
2 items
General Electric Company Chemical Department ten note
- Circa 1950
Issued in the denomination of ten, this green-printed note is styled after a banknote including the General Electric Company logo as well as a vignette of the Chemical Department located in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.