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445 items
The Roy G. Neville Historical Chemical Library, Volume 2
- An Annotated Catalogue of Printed Books on Alchemy, Chemistry, Chemical Technology, and Related Subjects
- 2006
Volume 2 covers L-Z. Please note that the physical item includes two inserts with color images that are not reproduced here.
- Contributor Roy G. Neville Historical Chemical Library
- Publisher Chemical Heritage Foundation
- Subject Chemistry, Rare Books, Alchemy
758 items
The Roy G. Neville Historical Chemical Library, Volume 1
- An Annotated Catalogue of Printed Books on Alchemy, Chemistry, Chemical Technology, and Related Subjects
- 2006
Volume 1 covers A-K. Please note that the physical item includes two inserts with color images that are not reproduced here.
- Contributor Neville, Roy G.
- Publisher Chemical Heritage Foundation
- Subject Chemistry, Rare books, Alchemy
52 items
Chemical Heritage, Volume 30 Number 3
- 2012 (Fall)
192 items
Various works including Lucidarium artis transmutationis metallorum, extracts from the Sommeta and Violetta, and Epistola
- Transmutation de' mettali
- 1557
A collection of alchemical texts by Christophorus (or sometimes in this manuscript “Christofalus”) Parisiensis. Despite his name, Christophorus Parisiensis (Christopher of Paris) was likely Italian, possibly from…
323 items
Pandora, das ist, Die edleste Gab Gottes
- Pandora, That Is, the Noblest Gift of God
- 1582
First edition. This copy lacks parts of pages 2 and 7 as well as pages 183-184 and 255-256. The missing text on pages 2 and 7 was replaced in handwritten pencil at an unknown date. The work was edited by the physician…
- Author Epimetheus, Franciscus
- Editor Reusner, Hieronymus, b. 1558
- Printer Apiarius, Samuel, -1590
- Subject Alchemy, Medicine, Reusner, Hieronymus, b. 1558, Mythology, Greek, Symbolism in art
64 items
Mundus subterraneus : in XII libros digestus
- quo divinum subterrestris mundi opificium, mira ergasteriorum naturae in eo distributio, verbo pantamorphon protei regnum, universae denique naturae majestas et divitiae summa rerum varietate exponuntur.
- 1665
A first edition work, with two volumes bound in one folio, by Athanasius Kircher (1602–1680), a German Jesuit scholar who published many extensive works on scientific, religious, and other subjects. Dubbed the “Master…
- Author Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680
- Publisher Janssonium, Joannem
- Contributor Elizeum, Weyerstraten
- Subject Alchemy, Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680, Natural history, Mines and mineral resources, Scientific apparatus and instruments, Hydrography, Earth sciences, Geochemistry, Volcanoes, Earth (Planet)
248 items
Le Petit Rosaire
- Extract on Alchemy from the Roman de la Rose (la Table de maistre Jehan de Meun)
- Circa 1600 – 1640
This is a seventeenth-century copy of a fifteenth-century translation and re-working of the Rosarius Philosophorum, one of the most important texts in the corpus of alchemical works that circulated under the name of…
3 items
An Alchemist in His Study
- 1600s
A gray-bearded scholar in a red cap writes at his desk with a quill. Scattered in front of him are fabric-covered ceramic jars, a celestial globe, glass jars stoppered with twists, and a pipe. Illumination floods the…
930 items
Magnes, sive de arte magnetica
- The Magnet, or about the magnetic art
- 1643
A second edition volume of Magnes (Cologne, 1643), by Athanasius Kircher (1602–1680), a German Jesuit scholar who published many extensive works on scientific, religious, and other subjects. Dubbed the “Master of a…
- Author Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680
- Contributor Martini, Martino, 1614-1661
- Editor Kalckhoven, Jost, -1669
- Publisher Kalcoven, Jodocum
- Subject Magnetism, Electricity, Physics, Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680, Electromagnetism, Phosphorescence, Religion and science, Transmutation (Chemistry), Alchemy, Luminescence
34 items
Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, physica atque technica historia in duo volumina secundum cosmi differentiam divisa
- 1617 – 1618
Two, first edition volumes bound together. Written by the English scientist, physician, alchemist, and Rosicrucian, Robert Fludd (1574–1637), this encyclopedic work is broadly themed upon the macrocosm and microcosm,…
- Author Fludd, Robert, 1574-1637
- Printer Galler, Hieronymus
- Engraver Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623, Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1650
- Subject Alchemy, Fludd, Robert, 1574-1637, Astrology, Cosmology, Arithmetic, Music theory, Rosicrucians
110 items
Trois Traitez de la Philosophie Naturelle non Encore Imprimez
- Three Treaties of Natural Philosophy Not Yet in Print
- 1612
A collection of alchemical works containing the first appearance of the supposed biography of alchemist Nicholas Flamel (c. 1340-1418). Flamel was a French scribe and manuscript-seller. Flamel and his wife, Perrenelle…
- Contributor Arnauld, Pierre, sieur de la chevallerie, Flamel, Nicolas, -1418
- Publisher Marette, Guillaume
- Author Artephius, Synesius, of Cyrene, Bishop of Ptolemais
- Subject Flamel, Nicolas, -1418, Arnauld, Pierre, sieur de la chevallerie, Alchemy, Alchemists, Occultism, Occultists, Emblems, Symbolism
10 items
Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternae Solius Verae
- Amphitheatre of the Only True Eternal Wisdom
- 1609
Khunrath Heinrich's (1560-1605) Amphitheatrum Sapientiae, purportedly one of the most significant books of theosophical alchemy and the occult sciences. Though the title page reads 1602, the book was not published until…
- Author Khunrath, Heinrich, 1560-1605
- Publisher Antonius, G.
- Subject Alchemy, Alchemy in art, Alchemy--Religious aspects, Christian art and symbolism, Occultism, Theosophy
2 items
Execution of an Alchemist
- 1597
An etching depicting the execution of the alchemist, Georg Honauer (1572-1597) on the specially erected "Iron Gallows" in Stuttgart, April 2nd, 1597. The engraving shows a portrait of Honauer with inscription on the…
- After Hogenberg, J.
- Subject Alchemy, Executions and executioners, Transmutation (Chemistry), Fables, Gallows, Alchemists
2 items
Roth Mallor's Work
- Alchemical Manuscript by Isaac Newton
- Circa 1692
Written in Isaac Newton's hand, Roth Mallor’s Work consists of extracts from the work of Erasmus Rothmaler, a German alchemist about whom essentially nothing is known. Text found on verso is two unrelated chemical…
520 items
The playbook of metals : including personal narratives of visits to coal, lead, copper, and tin mines; with a large number of interesting experiments relating to alchemy and the chemistry of fifty metallic elements
- 1862
Geared towards young readers, The playbook of metals is an informative and entertaining volume on all aspects of the history, mining, smelting, and metallurgy of the metals then known. The author, John Henry Pepper…
A Visit to the Doctor
- 1700s
In the center of a large room, a surgeon in a red cap and apron kneels to apply a leech to the foot of his bearded patient. Scenes of bloodletting and leechcraft are common in such images of doctors' surgeries. The…
- Manner Of Teniers, David, 1610-1690
- Subject Alchemy, Alchemy in art, Alchemists, Leeches, Teniers, David, 1610-1690
31 items
The Romance of Modern Chemistry
- 1909
A layman's introduction to topics in chemistry including a history of chemistry along with alchemy and the philosopher's stone; elements including organic, invisible, metals, acids, alkalies, and water; chemical changes…
- Author Philip, James Charles
- Subject Science--Study and teaching, Chemistry, Textbooks, Alchemy, Science--Popular works
An Alchemist's Laboratory
- Part of The Romance of Modern Chemistry
- 1909
A photographic reproduction of the replica of an alchemist's laboratory located in the Deutsches Museum in Munich, Germany. Various vessels for distillation can be seen along with two furnaces.
This plate is found…
Alchemists at work
- After 1620 – before 1690
The alchemist pauses in his work to glance over one shoulder at the distillation experiments in progress beside him. A multi-level furnace supports an alembic and receiver. A small text, perhaps a recipe collection or…
- Manner Of Teniers, David, 1610-1690
- Subject Teniers, David, 1610-1690, Alchemists, Alchemy, Alchemy in art
Alchemist at work (with book resting on skull)
- After 1620 – before 1690
A studious, bearded alchemist in a red cap studies a book intently, one hand tracing the lines of text. Beside him, a brick furnace sits topped with glassware. A skull and hourglass rest on his table, reminding the…
- After Teniers, David, 1610-1690
- Subject Teniers, David, 1610-1690, Alchemists, Alchemy, Alchemy in art