This digital collection features materials related to notable women scientists, including Marie Curie, Irène Joliot-Curie, Bettye Washington Greene, Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, Stephanie Kwolek, and Rosalyn Yalow, as well as images of women working in a variety of laboratory and industrial settings. The collection also includes a range of materials related to women's health, including breast pumps, contraceptives, and mammary sizers.
24 items
Traité Élémentaire de Chimie
- 1789
This work by Antoine Laurent Lavoisier is widely considered the first of its kind in modern chemical literature. Select digitized content includes front cover, frontismatter, woodcut vignettes, as well as thirteen…
201 items
An Essay on Combustion : With a View to a New Art of Dying and Painting
- The Phlogistic and Antiphlogistic Hypotheses are Proved Erroneous
- 1794
Elizabeth Fulhame was an early British chemist who invented the concept of catalysis and discovered photoreduction. Fulhame’s interest was in the reduction reaction that led to the deposition of metals. As she notes in…
422 items
Conversations on Chemistry : in which the elements of that science are familiarly explained and illustrated by experiments and plates
- To which are added, some late discoveries on the subject of the fixed alkalies by H. Davy, Esq., of the Royal Society
- 1809
Conversations on Chemistry is an introductory chemical textbook. To this third American edition (the first and second: Philadelphia, 1806, and 1809), the anonymous editor has added new material on mineral waters and the…
21 items
Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Illustrated with 20 hand-colored plates, Conversations on Botany is composed as a series of conversations between a mother and son about the principles of the Linnaean system of classification and elements of useful…
Plate 10: Agrostemma githago
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph of corn cockle, Agrostemma githago. Class Decandria, order Pentagynia.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Common corncockle, Botany, Agrostemma, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 11: Sempervivum tectorum
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph of common houseleek, Sempervivum tectorum. Class Dodecandria, order Dodecagynia.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Sempervivum, Botany, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 12: Rosa canina
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph of common dog rose, Rosa canina. Class Icosandria, order Polygynia.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Botany, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 13: Papaver rhoeas
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph of the common red poppy, Papaver rhoeas. Class Polyandria, order Monogynia.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Poppies, Botany, Papaveraceae, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 14: Glechoma hederacea
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph of ground ivy, Glechoma hederacea. Class Didynamia, order Gymnospermia.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Ground ivy, Botany, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 15: Cheiranthus cheiri
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph of common wallflower, Cheiranthus cheiri. Class Tetradynamia, order Siliquosa.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Botany, Cheiranthus cheiri, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 16: Malva sylvestris
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph of common mallow, Malva sylvestris. Class Monadelphia, order Polyandria.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject High mallow, Botany, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 17: Lotus corniculatus
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph of birdsfoot trefoil, Lotus corniculatus. Class Diadelphia, order Decandria.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Lotus corniculatus, Botany, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 18: Hypericum androsaemum
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph of tutsan, Hypericum androsaemum. Class Polyadelphia, order Polyandria.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Botany, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 19: Bellis perennis
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph of the common daisy, Bellis perennis. Class Syngenesia, order Polygamia superflua.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Daisies, Botany, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 1: Parts of a Flower
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph illustrating the parts of a flower, using the example of the common wallflower. Included parts are the flower, cup, corolla or blossom, stamen, pistil, seed-vessel, and receptacle.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Botany, Cheiranthus cheiri, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 20: Cryptogamia
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph illustrating the class Cryptogamia, containing a fern, moss, lichen, seaweed, and mushroom.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Botany, Cryptogams, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
3 items
Plate 2: Table of the Classes
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph with examples of the 24 botanical taxonomic classes: Monandria, Diandria, Triandria, Tetrandria, Pentandria, Hexandria, Heptandria, Octandria, Enneandria, Decandria, Dodecandria, Icosandria,…
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Botany, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 3: Veronica chamaedrys
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph of germander speedwell, Veronica chamaedrys. Class Diandria, order Monogynia.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Botany, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 4: Crocus vernus
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph of spring crocus, Crocus vernus. Class Triandria, order Monogynia.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Crocuses, Botany, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 5: Ilex aquifolium
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph of common holly, Ilex aquifolium. Class Tetrandria, order Tetragynia.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Hollies, Botany, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 6: Myosotis palustris
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph of water mouse ear, Myosotis palustris, now known as the water forget-me-not. Class Pentandria, order Monogynia.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Botany, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 7: Galanthus nivalis
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph of snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis. Class Hexandria, order Monogynia.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Common snowdrop, Botany, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 8: Daphne mezereum
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph of common mezereon, Daphne mezereum. Class Octandria, order Monogynia.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Botany, Thymelaeaceae, Mezereon, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Plate 9: Butomus umbellatus
- Part of Conversations on Botany
- 1817-Apr-02
Hand-colored lithograph of flowering rush, Butomus umbellatus. Class Enneandria, order Hexagynia.
- Artist Milton
- Author Fitton, Sarah Mary, Fitton, Elizabeth
- Publisher Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
- Subject Botany, Women botanists, Scientific illustration
Woman with passion flower
- Part of The Young Botanist
- 1835
Frontispiece illustration depicts a woman holding passion flowers with the caption "The passion flower belongs to the class monadelphia and order pentandria. See page 165." The flower she holds is painted yellow…
- Author Comstock, J. L. (John Lee), 1789-1858
- Subject Botany, Plants, Natural history, Textbooks, Women in art, Women botanists