Graphic representation of the periodic table of chemical elements organized in a symmetrical series table with bridge elements. This table was originated by German chemist Victor von Richter (1841-1891) circa 1889 and classified by chemist Edward G. Mazurs as Type IC2-2 in his seminal work Types of Graphic Representation of the Periodic System of Chemical Elements (1957). In this design, the elements of short periods, i.e. the so-called "bridge elements," are placed midway between the subgroups "a" and "b." This illustration appears as Figure 26 on page 107 of Mazurs' 1957 publication.
Richter, Victor von, and Edward G. Mazurs. “Symmetrical Series Table with Bridge Elements.” Glass (material), circa 1889–1957. Edward G. Mazurs Collection of Periodic Systems Images, Box 1. Science History Institute. Philadelphia.
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