The illustrated second volume of The Baker's Book, providing a comprehensive discussion of baking. Intended to be "every baker's hand book," the series describes the global history and significance of baked goods, predominantly bread, and provides technical information about the nutritive value and chemical composition of bread. Includes recipes, information regarding bakery equipment and supplies, an index, and a selection of advertisements found at the end of each volume. As stated in the preface of the first volume, "it is a book for every baker, be he master, foreman, journeyman, or apprentice." The Baker's Book is an adaptation and translation from the German, Das Baeckerbuch. The first and second volumes are digitized in their entirety.
“The Baker's Book [Volume II].” New York, New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1903. TX753 .B38 1901. Science History Institute. Philadelphia.
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