Oral history interview with Esther S. Takeuchi
- 2012-Apr-27
- 2012-Sep-14
Esther Takeuchi grew up in Akron, Ohio, the youngest of three children. After escaping Soviet Latvia, her father became an electrical engineer for Goodyear Aerospace and her mother a home health worker who also had an…
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Oral history interview with Constantine E. Anagnostopoulos
- 2012-Aug-06
Constantine E. Anagnostopoulos was born in Turkey in 1922 to parents of Greek descent. Due to Turkish expulsion of the Greeks when he was three months old, the family left for the Greek mainland. Because his father was…
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Oral history interview with Rolf Dessauer
- 2012-Aug-07 – 2012-Aug-08
- 2012-Oct-01
Rolf Dessauer was born in Nuremberg, Germany, one of two sons of a physician and a housewife. His family fled to the United States after Kristallnacht, eventually settling in Flushing, New York. After service in the US…
- Interviewee Dessauer, Rolf, 1926-
- Interviewer Hunter, Sarah L., 1985, Domush, Hilary
- Subject E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Chemists, Chemistry--Research, Chemistry, Technical, Research, Industrial, Photochemistry, Photopolymers--Industrial applications, Dessauer, Rolf, 1926-, Emigration and immigration
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Oral history interview with Franz Hillenkamp
- 2012-Aug-20
Franz Hillenkamp was born in Essen, Germany. Having chosen the science and math track in the Gymnasium Hillenkamp went on to major in electrical engineering at Technische Universitat Munchen (TUM). He interrupted his…
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Research Interview with Garren Bohlin
- 2012-Sep-25
Garren Bohlin was a partner at Arthur Anderson LLP in 1980, where he did general business consulting. He was contacted by Mirza Mehdi of the Genetics Institute, who worked with Gabriel Schmergel. Mehdi asked Bohlin if…
- Interviewee Bohlin, Garren
- Interviewer Jones, Mark, 1958-
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Oral history interview with Jean H. Futrell
- 2012-Oct-28 (First session)
- 2012-Oct-29 (Second session)
Jean H. Futrell was born in Grant Parish, Louisiana. He majored in chemical engineering at Louisiana Tech University, and also enrolled in the Air Force ROTC. Futrell attended the University of California at Berkeley…
- Interviewee Futrell, J.H.
- Interviewer Grayson, Michael A.
- Subject University of Utah, Mass spectrometers, University of Delaware, Mass spectrometry
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Research Interview with Peter Drake
- 2012-Nov-07
Peter Drake was born in St. Louis, Missouri. His father was the head of manufacturing for Beech Aircraft before he became one of the founders of McDonnell Aircraft. Drake attended Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine,…
- Interviewee Drake, Peter F.
- Interviewer Dick, Brian
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Research Interview with Alison Taunton-Rigby
- 2013-Jan-22
Alison Taunton-Rigby was born and educated in Great Britain. Her father was a scientist for the British government and her mother was a physiotherapist. She attended the University of Bristol for her undergraduate and…
- Interviewee Taunton-Rigby, Alison
- Interviewer Jones, Mark, 1958-
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Research Interview with Annette Campbell-White
- 2013-Mar-27
Annette Campbell-White was born and raised in New Zealand, but due to her father’s job as a mining engineer, she attended university in South Africa. She studied engineering, but not seeing a career path in the…
- Interviewee Campbell-White, Annette
- Interviewer Lind, Brianna Rego
Oral history interview with Peter F. DeCarlo
- 2013-Apr-10 – 2013-Apr-11
Peter DeCarlo grew up in West Lafayette, Indiana, the second of three children. His father is a professor of electrical engineering at Purdue University, and his mother is a kindergarten teacher. Both sisters also have…
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Oral history interview with Christie G. Enke
- 2013-Apr-16 – 2013-Apr-17
Christie G. Enke was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1933. While attending high school, he worked as a stage manager and took electronics classes at Dunwoody Industrial Institute (now Dunwoody College of Technology).…
- Interviewee Enke, Christie G., 1933-
- Interviewer Domush, Hilary, Hunter, Sarah L., 1985
- Subject Enke, Christie G., 1933-, Chemists, Mass spectrometry, Analytical chemistry, Scientific apparatus and instruments, Mass spectrometers
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Oral history interview with George M. Wyman
- 2013-May-01 (First session)
- 2013-May-02 (Second session)
George M. Wyman was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1921. Wyman attended the Lutheran Gimnázium in Budapest until World War II threatened, leaving for the United States to become a chemist. Wyman entered Cornell…
- Interviewee Wyman, George M., 1921-2017
- Interviewer Roberts, Jody A., 1976-, Caruso, David J. (David Joseph), 1978-
- Subject Chemistry, Physical and theoretical, Isomerization, Wyman, George M., 1921-2017, Fluorine, Chemistry, Organic, Indigo, United States. National Bureau of Standards, Dyes and dyeing--Chemistry, United States. Army. European Research Office, Cornell University, Emigration and immigration
Oral history interview with Joseph M. DeSimone
- 2013-May-01 – 2013-May-02
Joseph DeSimone began his childhood in Norristown, Pennsylvania, one of three children. His father, an Italian immigrant, was a tailor; his mother was an accountant; there was a large Italian extended family. DeSimone…
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Research Interview with Steve Duzan
- 2013-May-02
Steve Duzan was born in Oregon in 1941, though he and his family moved to Seattle, Washington when he was ten years old. He was raised by a single mother after the death of his father. His mother worked as the assistant…
- Interviewee Duzan, Steve
- Interviewer Jones, Mark, 1958-
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Oral history interview with Mario J. Molina
- 2013-May-06 (First session)
- 2013-May-07 (Second session)
Mario Molina grew up Mexico City, Mexico, one of eight children. His father was a lawyer and judge, his stepmother a teacher and housewife. Molina liked music and played the violin seriously. He also loved science,…
Oral history interview with A. R. Ravishankara
- 2013-May-07
- 2013-May-09
A.R. Ravishankara was born in Shimoga, India, and grew up mostly in Mysore and Bangalore, India. His father was a farmer who died when A.R. was ten years old. Ravishankara attended a private school and graduated from…
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Oral history interview with Paul Kebarle
- 2013-May-22
Paul Kebarle was born in Bulgaria, where his father was a business man and his mother a housewife. Kebarle escaped to Czechoslovakia, ostensibly for treatment for scoliosis, thence to Switzerland, where he studied…
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Oral history interview with Helen Donis-Keller
- 2013-May-27
Helen Donis-Keller was born in Madison, Wisconsin, but grew up in Elkhart, Indiana. As a child, she loved art, so she pursued a degree in graphic design and photography at The University of Cincinnati. She spent two…
- Interviewee Donis-Keller, Helen
- Interviewer Jones, Mark, 1958-
- Subject Donis-Keller, Helen, Career changes, Women in science, Geneticists, Women geneticists, Genetics--Research, Gene mapping, Artists
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Oral history interview with Nico M. Nibbering
- 2013-Jun-07 (First session)
- 2013-Jun-08 (Second session)
Nico M. Nibbering was born in Zaandam, the Netherlands, one of eight children. When school resumed after World War II, Nibbering did well and tested into high school, where he chose the science and mathematics track and…
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Research interview with Andrew Barnes
- 2013-Jul-08
Andrew Barnes was born in the northern suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. His father was a chemical engineer at Abbott Laboratories, which inspired him to pursue a chemical engineering degree from Purdue University. While…
- Interviewee Barnes, Andrew, circa 1953-
- Interviewer Jones, Mark, 1958-
- Subject Barnes, Andrew, circa 1953-
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Research Interview with Dennis Fenton
- 2013-Aug-05
Dennis Fenton was born and raised in Mineola on Long Island, New York. He attended Manhattan College in the Bronx and later received his PhD in microbiology from Rutgers University in 1977. Motivated by his father’s…
- Interviewee Fenton, Dennis
- Interviewer Jones, Mark, 1958-
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Research Interview with Carlo Croce
- 2013-Aug-12
Carlo Croce was born in Milan, Italy and studied medicine at the Sapienza University of Rome. While he initially came to the United States to do medicine at Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, he ultimately worked…
- Interviewee Croce, Carlo
- Interviewer Dick, Brian
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Research Interview with Charles Cooney
- 2013-Aug-14
Charles Cooney was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and attended Upper Darby High School. Growing up, he would often play with electronics, inspired by his father who was a systems analyst for General Electric. After…
- Interviewee Cooney, Charles
- Interviewer Dick, Brian
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Research Interview with Peter Meldrum
- 2013-Oct-25
Peter Meldrum was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. He attended the University of Utah, where he received his bachelor’s in chemical engineering. After graduating, Meldrum joined the army, where he was a lieutenant in the…
- Interviewee Meldrum, Peter
- Interviewer Lind, Brianna Rego
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Oral history interview with J. Throck Watson
- 2013-Oct-27 – 2013-Oct-28
J. Throck Watson was born in 1939 and grew up in small towns in Iowa. His father worked at the local school, and his mother stayed at home. Watson spent much of his childhood outdoors, playing with his brother and his…
- Interviewee Watson, J. Throck
- Interviewer Grayson, Michael
- Subject Mass spectrometry, Watson, J. Throck, Chemists, Pharmacology, Analytical chemistry, College teachers, United States. Air Force